
  • First Issue
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024)

    A warm welcome!

    The entire editorial team would like to share our excitement at the launch of NeuroConverse, the online neurodiversity-focused journal.

    NeuroConverse plans to be a world leader in the field of neurodiversity and neurodivergence, encouraging rigorous thought, debate, and creative thinking around issues of sensory processing disorders, developmental speech and language disorders, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyslalia, ADHD, the autism spectrum, Tourette’s, neuronormative bias, and more.

    There has long been a lacuna in academic writing where discussions about neurodivergence are needed. We at NeuroConverse aim to fill that gap. We wish to occupy the space between academic writing and accessible content; between theory and practice; between objective research and lived experience. We welcome input from neurodivergent thinkers, but also from non-neurodivergent thinkers writing about neurodivergent issues. In short, we extend an inclusive invitation to all who wish to submit.

    Areas we hope to see covered may include the intersections of neurodiversity and gender, neurodiversity and ethnicity, neurodiversity and culture, and neurodiversity and disability. They may include your submissions on issues surrounding neurodiversity and sport, neurodiversity and AI, neurodiversity and education, neurodiversity and employment, or neurodiversity and mental health, among other things. They may include qualitative research, quantitative research, or hybrid research. They may be literature reviews, commentaries on current research, original research, or synthesis pieces, the hard sciences or the humanities.

    Where we position ourselves as an inclusive journal, we are likewise inclusive in what we publish. We welcome traditional academic articles, intelligent audio and video contributions, and even interactive content. We do not restrict ourselves, or our contributors, to any one single mode of content creation. Inclusivity lies at the heart of what we do.

    Our values are important to us, and we hope that they will be important to you too. We believe that each and every individual is significant, and that all voices deserve to be heard, all groups deserve to be loved, and all neurotypes deserve the understanding and visibility that intelligent and respectful publishing can afford them. But we are open and inclusive in our values too, and will incorporate the positive principles of our contributors, rather than imposing anything upon anyone. NeuroConverse is a discursive arena, and without your contributions, published in the safe space we intend this to be, these discussions would be nothing. To uphold our values of inclusivity, diversity, and respect, we model ourselves as an online symposium where everybody’s voice may be heard – but we need these voices to be listened to, and to be taken seriously. So behind it all is an academic team, a team that values rigour and research. And we hope you do too.

    We are truly thrilled to offer the opportunity to read or publish in an ethical journal. Wherever your interests lie, our interests lie. And we invite new thinkers as well as established scholars. We welcome contributions that can make a difference to people’s lives. We wish to publish work that is innovative, meaningful, humanist, morally focused, and above all impactful! We want to amplify your expertise. In short, we aim to stand at the forefront of thought leadership in this area.

    We hope you enjoy NeuroConverse. We certainly hope to enjoy engaging with your submissions.


    Dr Martin Bloomfield, founder and Editor-in-Chief
    Prof. Claudia Lemke, co-founder and Academic Director
    Florian Herfurth, co-founder and Community Developer
    Niels Clormann, co-founder and Europe Editor